Turnkey Production Systems


The entire production system from a single source

FOBOHA has established itself as a specialist for complete production systems. The injection molding machine is purchased either directly by the customer or by FOBOHA. Subsequently, we build the molds and - if required - the associated automation system. After optimizing the entire process, we supply the customer with a turnkey system in which the machine, mold and automation are all perfectly matched.

We develop and build the molds, and in some cases also the handling equipment, ourselves. For other system components we work together with longstanding partners in the fields of mechanical engineering, automation and material.

A FOBOHA production system offers customers the following advantages:

  • A single contact person for the entire system
  • Putting all system responsibility in the same pair of hands greatly reduces the risk for the customer
  • Excellent value for money
  • Best technological solutions due to the high competence of FOBOHA in multi-component and cube technology